A Muppet motorcyclist was riding with Cruiser Club Boston south along Route 1, through Saugus, this morning as they headed to the Wounded Vet Ride in Revere (at least according to the group’s calendar).
“We’re basically an eating club with a motorcycle problem. The 332 is the Boston chapter of Cruiser Club USA. We are a family oriented, non-territorial, social club that exists to promote motorcycle riding of all years, makes, and models. Everyone and every bike is welcome here. We are inclusive to everyone regardless of age or experience level. Every ride we go on involves a lunch stop. That’s a promise,” the group says on its website. “On Sundays, we like to meet up and take long, back road trips all around New England. We try to find unique places for lunch and fun places to hang out. All rides start at ‘The Dew’ across from Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield.”
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