In Gerry Bergstein’s exhibit “Skeleton Crew” at Gallery Naga, artists’ studios, in all their messy glory, become wellsprings for the fantastic. In some of the artworks, actual 3D heaps of paint (or at least what seems to be paint) become compost sprouting explosions of blossoms. As in “The Gleaners,” 2016, pictured here. Some artworks turn what appear to be ancient, dingy accreditations of paint splatters on a studio floor into mold infestations and archipelagos and cosmoses. With collaged pictures of bunnies and babies and quotes from Matisse and other art history. And echoes of Pieter Brueghel and Anselm Kiefer. Plus trompe l’oeil eye trickery. And Bergstein making cameos as both a house painter/janitor and Jackson Pollock, the mundane custodian becoming the alchemist master of ceremonies.
Gerry Bergstein, “Skeleton Crew,” Gallery Naga, 67 Newbury St., Boston, Oct. 7 to Nov. 5, 2016.