“Gradually and silently the charm comes over us; we know not exactly where or how” reads a moss installation by Heidi Schork and Jerome Jones at Boston’s Jamaica Pond, quoting Frederick Law Olmsted to celebrate the 200th birthday of the designer of Boston’s Emerald Necklace parks on April 26, 2022. Olmsted made that statement about the Isle of Wight during his first trip to England in 1850. Schork, the director of the Mayor’s Mural Crew in Boston since 1991, writes, “I have done a couple of successful moss installations and it is my favorite medium.”

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Moss installation by Heidi Schork and Jerome Jones at Boston's Jamaica Pond to celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted's 200th birthday on April 26, 2022. (Courtesy Heidi Schork)
Moss installation by Heidi Schork and Jerome Jones at Boston’s Jamaica Pond to celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted’s 200th birthday on April 26, 2022. (Courtesy Heidi Schork)
Moss installation by Heidi Schork and Jerome Jones at Boston's Jamaica Pond to celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted's 200th birthday on April 26, 2022. (Courtesy Heidi Schork)
Moss installation by Heidi Schork and Jerome Jones at Boston’s Jamaica Pond to celebrate Frederick Law Olmsted’s 200th birthday on April 26, 2022. (Courtesy Heidi Schork)
Categories: Art Public Art