Thank you to the City of Malden and its Board of Health for giving away free covid rapid test kits from 4 to 7 p.m. today at the city’s Salemwood School. Covid testing is terribly hard to come by right now, with testing sites around here all booked up or having tremendous lines, which brings back memories of shortages at the beginning of the pandemic. We tried to get tested at City of Everett’s drop-in clinic on Riverside Drive at midday yesterday, but gave up when we found hundreds of people standing in line outside in 27 degree temperatures. In Malden this afternoon, the great demand caused long lines of waiting traffic throughout the neighborhood for the city’s drive-through distribution. “We will be distributing free COVID Rapid Test Kits on Tue, Jan 4th from 4-7 PM at the Salemwood School. Residents are asked to drive through the rear parking lot. Two boxes per household while supplies last. You must be a Malden resident,” the Board of Health announced. “…This is primarily a drive-through event and we ask that you do not exit your vehicle when picking up your kits however, we are allowing walkups for those who do not have a vehicle.”
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