Celebrate Halloween with the Wonderland Spectacle Co. in our new video. Learn how to grow a pumpkin. See spooky Halloween decorations. Get rid of a terrible (coronavirus) monster.
Check Out Our Previous Videos:
• Climb The Blue Hills With Wonderland Spectacle Co.
• Fun In The Rain | Wonderland Spectacle Co.
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Wonderland Spectacle Co. produces parades and festivals and all sorts of spectacles. Lead artists Kari Percival and Greg Cook hand-paint fabric banners, fashion masks out of poster board, craft puppets out of twigs and cardboard, paint murals, make fun videos, and inspire volunteers to join them in community spectacles big and tiny. And they teach others how to do these things too in their how-to workshops. Kari and Greg aim to speak up for those who have no voices and create parades that tell stories, question injustice, celebrate wonder, and advocate for all living things on earth.
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