Tens of thousands of people participated in today’s March For Our Lives: Boston. The protest in support of gun control was part marches across the nation organized in response to the Feb. 18 shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in which 17 people were murdered.
In Boston, marchers shouted, “Hey! Ho! The NRA has got to go!” They chanted, “What do we do when our schools are under attach? Stand up fight back!”
The march began at Madison Park Vocational High School in Roxbury at 11 a.m. and headed to Boston Common, where a rally will scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. As the march neared the Common, it stretched along Columbus Avenue from Berkeley Street to Claremont Park, some 11 blocks long, according to a police officer I spoke to.
“We, the students of March for Our Lives: Boston, are joining students across the country to demand that our lives are prioritized over access to guns,” organizers wrote on Facebook. “We seek to amplify and emphasize the voices of communities of color, who are both disproportionately affected by gun violence and silenced in their calls for reform. We are organizing and mobilizing our generation to raise our voices and take action on gun violence in America. We are calling on students and supporters to join us in this movement.”