The Somerville AgriCultural Festival at Art Farm, Oct. 2, 2016.
Photos copyright Greg Cook, except where indicated.
Square dance. (Greg Cook)Playing climate change carnival games by Kari Percival. (Greg Cook)
Make your own terrarium. (Greg Cook)The egg race. (Greg Cook)The egg race. (Greg Cook)Doughnut eating contest. (Greg Cook)
The Prospect Hill Tower replica chicken coop. (Greg Cook)A girl pets one of Ellien Laramie-Byers’s chickens. (Greg Cook)Square dance. (Matt Kaliner)
Playing climate change carnival games by Kari Percival. (Greg Cook)Apple cider press brought by Groundwork Somerville. (Greg Cook)Bicycle sledge pull. (Greg Cook)Playing climate change carnival games by Kari Percival. (Greg Cook)From left, Ellien Laramie-Byers (who brought the chickens) and Hilary Scott (who made the Prospect Hill Tower replica). (Greg Cook)The tricycle hayride. (Greg Cook)One of the hens laid an egg during the festival. (Greg Cook)