Today: The Saddest Parade On Earth
Join me in The Saddest Parade on Earth at 4 p.m. today, Oct. 30, inside the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (which is free to attend) at Lesley University in Cambridge! Come carry…Continue Reading →
Join me in The Saddest Parade on Earth at 4 p.m. today, Oct. 30, inside the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (which is free to attend) at Lesley University in Cambridge! Come carry…Continue Reading →
Are you feeling down? I’m looking for people to join me in The Saddest Parade on Earth! Get in touch if you’d like to carry a sad sign or a…Continue Reading →
Anti-circumcision protest by three people affiliated with Bloodstained Men and Intact America in Somerville’s Union Square on Sept. 10, 2016. Photo copyright Greg Cook.Continue Reading →
Northeastern University students calling for the Boston school to “to divest the university’s endowment from fossil fuels” have been encamped on the school’s Centennial Common since Oct. 3. Photos copyright…Continue Reading →
The Second Line Social Aid & Pleasure Society Brass Band performed at the Nave Gallery Annex tonight to kick off the 2016 Honk Festival. Photos copyright Greg Cook.Continue Reading →
Native American groups calling for the City of Boston to name the second Monday of October “Indigenous Peoples Day” and abolish celebrations of Christopher Columbus Day brought dozens of people to Boston…Continue Reading →
The Somerville AgriCultural Festival at Art Farm, Oct. 2, 2016. Photos copyright Greg Cook, except where indicated.Continue Reading →