Hey, Kids and Families, You’re Invited!
Malden artists Kari Percival and Greg Cook offer a free Kids Craft Workshop at the Malden Public Library, 36 Salem St., Malden, from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 22. Participants will make woodland animal masks (like those pictured above) and snowflake signs on the themes of “Winter Wildlife” and “Peace on Earth.” (All materials will be provided.)
The following Saturday, Nov. 29, children are invited to carry and wear their creations and join the group of Malden families walking in Malden’s annual Parade of Holiday Traditions, beginning at 2 p.m. and traveling along Salem Street.
Feel free to just do the crafts or just walk in the parade with us. If you’d just like to join us in the parade, please get in touch for meet-up time and place.
All free! No registration required. Invite your friends!