“We Make Better Art When We Make Art Together” is the next installment of “Quiet, Please,” a free, monthly speaker series at the Malden Public Library, 36 Salem St., Malden, Mass., at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 10.
Rod Peterson of the Malden Sketch Group and Malden painter Susan Burke, who has worked with the North Shore Arts Association, the Rockport Art Association and the Cape Ann Watercolor Painters, where she serves as president, will talk about how these experiences have inspired their own artworks.
The talk coincides with the Malden Sketch Group’s 12th annual exhibit, at Commerce Place, 350 Main St., Malden, through June 20.
The discussion will be followed by a tour of the library’s Converse Memorial Building art galleries with art curator Marysara Naczi at 8 p.m.
“Quiet, Please” is a monthly series of talks at the Malden Public Library about arts, cultures and other interesting things. It’s hosted by Greg Cook of Malden, an arts reporter for WBUR.org and The Providence Phoenix newspaper.