Peaceful Forest in Malden’s Parade of Holiday Traditions
We want to thank everyone who joined us—all 28 people—in wearing masks and holding signs on the themes of “Winter Wildlife” and “Peace on Earth” in Malden’s annual Parade…Continue Reading →
We want to thank everyone who joined us—all 28 people—in wearing masks and holding signs on the themes of “Winter Wildlife” and “Peace on Earth” in Malden’s annual Parade…Continue Reading →
We’re going to be marching in Malden’s annual Parade of Holiday Traditions on Saturday, Nov. 29, and we’d love for you to join us. We’ll be a group of local…Continue Reading →
“Why are you sad?” a woman in the crowd asked near the beginning of the Saddest Parade on Earth. About 16 of us had joined in the Fourth of July…Continue Reading →
‘’The Saddest Parade on Earth” celebrated our Great Depression by marching from 248 to 301 Cabot St. in Beverly, Massachusetts, on Sad-urday morning, March 29. Great thanks to the many, many…Continue Reading →
Celebrate our Great Depression at artist Greg Cook’s “The Saddest Parade on Earth,” which marches along the sidewalks of Beverly’s Cabot Street beginning at 11 a.m. Sad-urday, March 29. The…Continue Reading →
Saturday’s third annual “BeardFest” determined the best beards in the world … or at least Somerville. The event, organized by the Somerville Arts Council, drew more than three dozen beardies…Continue Reading →