“I was lucky to discover painting and psychedelics at the same time. I was like, ‘This is what I want to do with my life,’” artist James Neville (pictured above) tells me at “Neurogenerative Room” at Out of the Blue Gallery in B6 Studio at Somerville’s Armory building, 191 Highland Ave. The combination, he said, has helped him heal from a brain injury from a motor vehicle accident. “This allowed me to sort of rewire my brain.”
The exhibition features a large, swirling gestural abstract painting that Neville created during a day-long “neurogenerative ritual” with help from his wife Markelle Valdez, Dolly Letters and Lauren W. Warford. They invite folks to the gallery again from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Feb. 1 to “view the mural in the place of its creation before it is cut into pieces and sold to promote psychedelic advocacy. Accompanied by music [from DJ Ammon EP], it will be illuminated by shifting colors of light to draw out its full depth of detail. Footage of the ritual will be shown, and those who participated will speak about their experience.” Suggested donation: $5.
Other people, Neville says, can pick up “a contact trip from it and they can pick that trip up without the psychedelics.”
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