Colleen Michaels , founder and host of the Improbable Places Poetry Tour, debuted her first poetry collection “Prize Wheel” (Small Bites Press) with a reading and party at Chianti in Beverly on Jan. 21. The book is about parenting and maladies and death and punctuation and good wishes.
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Colleen Michaels reads from her poetry book “Prize Wheel” at Chianti in Beverly, Jan. 21, 2023. (©Greg Cook photo)
Poet January Gill O’Neill introduces Colleen Michaels at the reception for her poetry book “Prize Wheel” at Chianti in Beverly, Jan. 21, 2023. (©Greg Cook photo)
Colleen Michaels hugs January Gill O’Neill at the reception for her poetry book “Prize Wheel” at Chianti in Beverly, Jan. 21, 2023. (©Greg Cook photo)
Colleen Michaels reads from her poetry book “Prize Wheel” at Chianti in Beverly, Jan. 21, 2023. (©Greg Cook photo)
The reception for Colleen Michaels’s poetry book “Prize Wheel” at Chianti in Beverly, Jan. 21, 2023. (©Greg Cook photo)