“This work began over two years ago as the covid warnings and the political climate became increasingly threatening,” Ellen Rich writes of her exhibition of abstract paintings “Rub for Good Luck” at Gallery Kayafas in Boston. “I took refuge in my beloved studio of 33 years.”

Working with acrylic paint and oil pastel on paper and duralar served as an act of reassurance. “Playing with abstract shapes and high key color I hoped to show solidarity and connection with my fellow humans, to communicate the thought that we are all in this together,” Rich writes. “Art that makes us feel good is as valid as any other.”

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Ellen Rich, "Wiggle," 2022, Acrylic on paper.
Ellen Rich, “Wiggle,” 2022, Acrylic on paper.

Ellen Rich, "See Through Grid," 2022, Acrylic on duralar.

Ellen Rich, "Red Round," 2021, oil pastel and acrylic on paper.

Ellen Rich, "Red Center" 2022, oil pastel and acrylic on duralar and paper.

Ellen Rich, "Leap," 2021, acrylic on duralar and paper.

Categories: Art