As winter temperatures fall below freezing for weeks at a time, join us as we go ice fishing with our friends at MassWildlife, listen to the amazing sounds frozen ponds make, and learn how to make a lantern of ice to light up the winter night.

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This video was financially supported by grants from
the Westborough Cultural Council and the Malden Cultural Council,
local agencies supported by the Mass Cultural Council.
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Learn more about ice fishing from MassWildlife:
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Wonderland Spectacle Co. produces videos and parades and festivals and all sorts of spectacles. Lead artists Kari Percival and Greg Cook hand-paint fabric banners, fashion masks out of poster board, craft puppets out of twigs and cardboard, paint murals, make fun videos, and inspire volunteers to join them in community spectacles big and tiny. And they teach others how to do these things too in their how-to workshops. Kari and Greg aim to speak up for those who have no voices and create parades that tell stories, question injustice, celebrate wonder, and advocate for all living things on earth.​​​​