One of the highlights of Montreal each fall is the “Gardens of Light,” which illuminates the Chinese Garden at the Jardin Botanique de Montréal with dazzling lanterns this year from Sept. 6 to Oct. 31, 2019.
The 27th annual display this fall, organizers say, is a “lantern-lit fishing tale. In the midst of this voyage in the purest Chinese tradition, the awe-inspiring fish He Luo Yu, a mythical creature with one head and ten bodies, suddenly surfaces and, to escape those bent on its capture, turns into a bird!”
The lanterns are dreamed up in Montreal, then designs are set to China to be sculpted by local artisans.
Admission into “Gardens of Light”—which also includes lighting of the “Sacred Tree,” a poplar in the First Nations Garden, and plantings in the Japanese Garden—is by timed ticket only.