Paul Myoda’s glowing sculptures in his exhibition “41°52’40.0″N 71°44’37.0″W” are a “love letter to Chepachet,” the Rhode Island town where he lives, according to Providence’s Yellow Peril Gallery, where they’re on view through Jan. 27.
Though these 2017 scultpures are made from cast acrylic, aluminum, vacuformed styrene and LED lights, they’re inspired by the trees and shores and waters of the local Ponaganset Reservoir, by maps of the place, by bark and cattails.
Myoda was one of the creators of the iconic “Tribute In Light,” each year on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York, honoring victims with a pair of searchlights beaming into the sky as a sort of “phantom towers.”
He’s also made a series of “Glittering Machines” (one is in the gallery’s back room), intimate devices of plastic, metal and lights that respond to people getting close with spinning devices and flashing lights as if the machines are scared or provoked and trying to frighten you off.
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