Public art: Dinosaurs!

When we talk about public art around Boston, too often we leave out two of the region’s most awesome (and popular) public sculptures: the dinosaurs!
This tyrannosaurus rex model pictured above (and at bottom) stands outside Boston’s Museum of Science. It was sculpted in the 1960s, when only five (incomplete) T-rex skeletons had been discovered. More recent archeological discoveries have prompted scientists to rethink what T-rexes were like, leading to a revised model inside the museum which stalks in a nearly horizontal posture and has skin pattered like tiger stripes. But this old lumbering galoot, now put out to pasture, warms my heart.

While we’re talking about dinosaur sculptures, don’t forget The Dinosaur Place in Montville, Connecticut, a theme park featuring a 14-foot concrete-and-steel tyrannosaurus rex, a 40-foot tall and 75-foot long brachiosaurus, a ceratosaurus threatening a stegosaurus, and a group of velociraptors stalking a protoceratops. The park is offering the “12 Dinosaurs of Christmas” tour from Nov. 28 to Dec. 31.

So you being in Boston, and these being big sculptures, I was reminded me of the 35'tall Madonna off Rt 1A near Logan --I used to pass her on my way to Marblehead. She has a flashing warning light on her head, just in case a plane flies too close. Nice to check into your blog for the first time.
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